In recent years, countries around the world have strengthened their regulation of vapes. Some have issued bans on disposable vapes, while others have restricted flavored vapes.
However, one country is taking the "opposite" approach, shifting from a vape sales ban to conditional sales. That country is Norway, a Nordic nation.
According to foreign websites, after July 1st this year, Norway will lift its vape sales ban and allow the legal sale of these products within the country. Previously, the sale of vapes was prohibited in Norway.
Current Regulations: Conditional Ban on Import and Sale of Vapes
Previously, Norwegian regulations on vapes mainly included the following points:
The Tobacco Damage Act prohibits the import and sale of nicotine - containing vapes.
According to the Norwegian Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Import Regulations, private individuals are allowed to import nicotine - containing vapes for medical use as a smoking cessation aid. They must submit a private prescription or medical certificate issued by a hospital to the customs.
The import and sale of nicotine - free vapes are permitted, but they cannot be provided to people under 18 years old. Moreover, they are subject to the Advertising and Display Ban.
All vapes are under the control of the Smoking Act. Any place where the use of tobacco products is prohibited by law also prohibits the use of vapes.
Policy Lifting of the Ban: From 2016 to 2025
Since Norway is not an EU country, vapes are not regulated by the EU's Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). However, Norway is a party to the European Economic Area (EEA) Agreement, which includes all EU countries.
To improve the internal vape market in the EEA and update tobacco regulations based on market demands and research developments in this field, the Norwegian Parliament began to revise the relevant laws.
In December 2016, the Norwegian Parliament enacted a new law to lift the ban on the sale and import of nicotine - containing vapes and refill containers (cartridges, e - liquids), with implementation expected to take several years.
In June 2022, the Norwegian Parliament voted to incorporate the EU Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) into the EEA Agreement. Subsequently, the Norwegian government started to revise relevant decrees such as the Law on the Prevention of Tobacco Damage (Tobacco Damage Act) and the Smoking Act.
On July 1st, 2024, Norway implemented a ban on flavored vapes, allowing only the sale of tobacco - flavored vapes.
On July 1st, 2025, the Norwegian government will lift the ban on nicotine - containing vapes. In addition, the Norwegian government has proposed a consumption tax of 5.26 Norwegian kroner (0.45 euros) per milliliter on nicotine e - liquids. Relevant reports did not indicate what changes would occur to nicotine - free vapes. At least currently, they are still legal in Norway and can be sold to individuals 18 years old and above, but their use in public places will be restricted.
The New Policy Benefits Vape Enterprises and Retailers
Norway is a highly developed country. Data shows that in 2023, Norway's per capita GDP was $88,000, and the per capita disposable income exceeded $50,000, indicating the strong consumption power of its residents.
At the same time, the Norwegian people and society generally have a high awareness of health. Norway is a major market for traditional and modern oral snuff, and is more receptive to new vape products.
Therefore, once the ban on nicotine - containing vapes is lifted, it will undoubtedly benefit vape enterprises, brands, and retailers, and is bound to become a new growth point. For domestic vape export enterprises and brands, it is necessary to study the relevant policies as early as possible, prepare product reserves and channel layouts in advance, and strictly abide by the relevant regulations, such as the following points:
Abide by age restrictions: Ensure sales are only made to individuals 18 years old and above.
Abide by flavor restrictions: Only stock tobacco - flavored e - liquids, as other flavors are prohibited.
Make correct labels: Ensure that all products meet the required health warning and packaging standards.
Prepare for consumption tax: Consider the additional cost of the proposed consumption tax in the pricing strategy. Non - compliance may result in fines, product confiscation, or license revocation. Therefore, it is necessary to stay informed and strictly abide by the new laws.
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