1. Introduction to electronic cigarette flavoring technology
E-liquid is a mixture of PG, VG, nicotine salt, sweeteners, cooling agents, acidulants, flavors and other auxiliary materials, which is then heated and atomized through the atomizer core to produce an aerosol with a cool, sweet, sour aroma and nicotine experience for consumers to inhale and enjoy.
The function of essence is to produce aroma, which needs to be blended by perfume engineers, such as various fruit flavors, tobacco flavors, etc., which are perceived by the sense of smell in the nasal cavity. It represents the aroma type of e-liquid, commonly known as flavor, which has many types and is the most significant feature of e-liquid differentiation.
Nicotine salt, sweeteners, cooling agents, and acidifiers belong to the category of flavoring in e-liquid. They need to be mixed by flavoring engineers and sensed by the mouth and throat. A few can also be sensed by the nasal cavity.
Common sweeteners include neotame, sucralose, etc., cooling agents include mint series, WS-5, WS-23, etc., acidulants include citric acid, malic acid, benzoic acid, acetic acid, etc. These truly represent the taste of the e-liquid.
In the actual process of e-cigarette oil blending, the work of flavoring and seasoning is collectively referred to as flavoring, which is all done by flavorists. In fact, e-cigarette flavoring should be done by professional flavoring engineers, who are mainly responsible for the concentration selection, type selection and matching of various flavorings, and identification of taste response parts to form a modular flavoring formula to cope with rapid market demand and delivery.
2. Mist and aroma separation technology
It is precisely because aroma and taste are two completely different feelings and two different work contents that a more reasonable and scientific thinking mode is adopted, that is, the flavor and taste substances are stored and atomized separately. Under this new idea, the e-cigarette industry will open up a new technical route-mist and aroma separation technology.

Introduction to electronic cigarette flavoring and mist aroma separation technology

当下电子烟的 3 大弊端:
  • 烟油黏度普遍较低:60-150Pa·s,黏度越低,电子烟漏油的风险较高,炸油声越大,用户体验差。
  • 由于烟油与雾化芯长期接触,并频繁被加热,势必会导致口味衰减,导致用户体验差。
  • 由于香精被高温加热,增加了产生有害物质的风险,而气溶胶中有害物质大多数是由香精高温产生,从而增加了国外对中国电子烟安全性的评估风险。

5 major advantages of electronic cigarettes with mist and aroma separation technology:
  1. The viscosity of the e-liquid can be adjusted to 300-600Pa·s, which is much greater than the viscosity of existing e-liquid. Under the same electronic cigarette device, there is almost no oil leakage and no oil explosion, which reduces the sealing difficulty of the existing oil tank and the manufacturing cost, and provides good experience for both manufacturers and users.
  2. Since the flavor is atomized at room temperature, it will not cause flavor degradation and the user experience is good.
  3. Since the flavor is not heated, the risk of harmful substances produced by high temperature in the flavor is greatly reduced. Almost no harmful substances are produced, which makes consumers healthier and safer, and makes it easier to pass foreign assessments on the safety of Chinese e-cigarettes.
  4. Consumers can freely choose the type of aroma at low cost, match and switch at will, which increases the playability and entertainment of e-cigarettes.
  5. Increase the effective smoke volume by 30-50%, making the visible aerosol smoke atmosphere denser and providing a better user experience.

化学专业硕士,在香精香料行业及食品原料行业工作 10 余年,在电子烟行业工作 3 年,授权发明专利 7 项,授权实用新型专利 15 项,擅长采用 TRIZ 创新方法论结合专业知识、行业知识解决电子烟行业的疑难杂症,包括炸油问题、糊芯问题、口味衰减、安全性问题、漏油问题、以及烟油与烟具的适配性研究。
现已取得电子烟雾香分离技术基础专利 2 件,愿与电子烟行业有识之士共同开辟新技术、新领域!让电子烟行业做得更好更强。
可专利转让、可独家许可,联系电话 13602719831

原文始发于微信公众号(艾邦新消费电子资讯):Introduction to electronic cigarette flavoring and mist aroma separation technology

电子雾化与HNB产品都是新型电子产品,结构虽小,却融合应用多种材料、表面处理、芯片电子等技术工艺,而且雾化技术一直在不断更迭,供应链在逐步完善,为了促进供应链企业间有一个良好的对接交流,艾邦搭建产业微信群交流平台,欢迎加入;Vape e-cigarettes (VAPE) and Heat-Not-Burn e-cigarettes (HNB) are both emerging electronic products. Despite their compact size, they integrate various materials, surface treatment technologies, chip electronics, and other advanced technical processes. Moreover, atomization technology is constantly evolving and the supply chain is being progressively perfected. To facilitate good communication and networking among supply chain enterprises, Aibang has established an industry WeChat group communication platform and warmly welcomes interested enterprises to join.

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