E-cigarette is a low-pressure microelectronic atomization device that can generate mist-like substances by heating liquid, which is a new electronic product for users to inhale.
There are currently two types of e-cigarettes on the market: HNB (heat not burn) and ENDS (atomized steam). The HNB type uses low-temperature heating of tobacco, and the taste is closest to traditional tobacco, but you need to purchase specific tobacco. The ENDS type is divided into the disposable type and the reloading type. The disposable type does not require replacement of cartridges and charging, and is ready to use; the reloading type is easy to carry, can be used multiple times, has the highest cost performance, and has become the mainstream in the market.
E-cigarettes are composed of microcontrollers (MCU), atomizer generators, charging management ICs, lithium-ion batteries, heating rods and other devices. They are mainly used to replace traditional cigarettes and quit smoking. Compared with traditional boxed cigarettes, electronic cigarettes are cost-effective and Tar-free. The core device in e-cigarettes is the MCU. Choosing a suitable MCU is critical.
1、雅特力的32位MCU AT32F421C8T7
- 与STM32F030C8T6在引脚上Pin2Pin兼容,软件也高度兼容,内核、CPU速度、SRAM、外设等相比STM32也大幅度提升。
- AT32F421C8T7采用M4内核,最高主频可达120MHz。
- AT32F421C8T7为16KB,RAM扩大一倍。
- AT32F421C8T7运行温度为-40-105℃。
- PY32F030 QFN32封装,可以满足电子烟应用小体积的需求和不同的PCB布线设计。
- 32 位 ARM® Cortex® - M0+内核,最高 48 MHz 工作频率;
- 芯片内置64KB Flash来存储用户程序和数据;内置8KB SRAM 存放运行数据;
- 内置丰富的外设接口:多路 I2C、SPI、USART等;
- 1 路 12bit ADC,5 个 16 位定时器,以及 2 路比较器;
- 提供 sleep 和stop 低功耗工作模式。
灵动微针对电子烟控制板推出了一款型号为MM32F031K6T6的MCU,使用高性能的 ARM® CortexTM-M0 为内核的 32 位微控制器,最高工作频率可达 72MHz,内置高速存储器,丰富的增强型 I/O 端口和外设连接到外部总线。
4、芯海超低功耗32位MCU CS32L010F8U6
芯海的超低功耗32位MCU CS32L010F8U6应用于电子烟设计,尺寸仅3mm*3mm,有以下特点:
- 支持两种低功耗模式:睡眠模式和深度睡眠模式。睡眠模式下CPU停止工作,其它外设继续运行,在收到中断事件信号后唤醒CPU。深度睡眠模式下CPU及绝大部分模块都停止运行,可以通过RTC和外部中断等来唤醒芯片。这两种模式可以很好的满足电子烟特殊工作模式的设计,降低整个系统功耗。
- 包含一个12bit的高精度ADC,支持最多7个通道,具备高可靠性,方便设计过程中主控芯片对传感器数据的采集。
- 工作电压范围为2.5V-5.5V的宽电压,有利于电子烟产品采用锂电池供电的的模式。
- 存储:内置64K字节的FLASH和4K字节的SRAM。大容量,不需要用户外挂FLASH,降低成本。
- 内部带有有多路UART、SPI和IIC等丰富的外设接口,提供多种通讯方式。
- 小封装:采用QFN20的封装,尺寸3mm*3mm,小型化,满足电子烟体积小的使用要求。
- 采用小华HC32F005系列芯片,实现恒温与恒压控制,使电子烟具有较好的口感与安全性。
- 采用好的算法,利用OLED显示屏与按键进行参数调节,实现与用户友好地交互,体验度好。
- HC32F005特点:Cortex-M0+@32MHz,4KB RAM/32KB Flash, 12通道ADC@1Msps, 多路UART,SPI,I2C等丰富通讯外设, 硬件CRC-16模块
As the needs of the consumer market continue to evolve, users are beginning to pursue more possibilities: For example, if they want to know how much power and e-liquid are left in their device, and if they want to avoid dry-burning inhalation and low-battery accidents, how should they obtain this information? Wait, more market demand has caused the main control of e-cigarettes to gradually change from 8-bit machines to 32-bit machines, and more domestic MCU manufacturers are also vying to squeeze into the e-cigarette market.
Data shows that the penetration rate of e-cigarettes among smokers is expected to reach 11.3% by 2030, which means that the number of e-cigarette users will increase from 15 million in 2020 to 31 million in 2030. What kind of market vortex will the huge market for e-cigarettes cause?
原文始发于微信公众号(雾化科技展):Take stock of some MCUs that can be used for electronic cigarettes
电子雾化与HNB产品都是新型电子产品,结构虽小,却融合应用多种材料、表面处理、芯片电子等技术工艺,而且雾化技术一直在不断更迭,供应链在逐步完善,为了促进供应链企业间有一个良好的对接交流,艾邦搭建产业微信群交流平台,欢迎加入;Vape e-cigarettes (VAPE) and Heat-Not-Burn e-cigarettes (HNB) are both emerging electronic products. Despite their compact size, they integrate various materials, surface treatment technologies, chip electronics, and other advanced technical processes. Moreover, atomization technology is constantly evolving and the supply chain is being progressively perfected. To facilitate good communication and networking among supply chain enterprises, Aibang has established an industry WeChat group communication platform and warmly welcomes interested enterprises to join.