Recently, an overseas content creator shared his experience of transforming 130 disposable e-cigarette batteries into a 48-volt, 1500-watt electric bicycle battery. This innovative individual had previously crafted a mobile power bank from disposable e-cigarette batteries. The conversion process involved collecting the e-cigarette batteries, disassembling them to extract the lithium battery cells, testing their capacity and internal resistance, and using 3D-printed modules to secure the cells. By connecting 13 groups of battery cells in series and integrating a battery management system (BMS), he ensured the safety of the battery.

Ultimately, he successfully installed the battery pack onto the electric bicycle for testing, which revealed that in assist mode, the battery could achieve a range of 33 kilometers and a top speed of 32 miles per hour, with an expected range exceeding 50 kilometers. This innovation garnered significant attention from netizens, who jokingly wondered if e-cigarette batteries could be used to create electric cars. Content creator Chris Doel cautioned that such modifications should not be attempted by non-professionals.



这哥们此前还把一次性电子烟的电池改造成了一个充电宝:《Resourceful innovation! 35 disposable e-cigarettes transformed into portable power banks.》。

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!


1. 收集大量一次性电子烟,准备从中获取锂电池芯来制作电动自行车电池。

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!

2. 了解普通 E 字节电池构造,其由 18650 锂电池芯组成,通过并联增加容量(单个组约 3.6 伏),串联达到所需电压(如 36 伏需 10 个串联,48 伏需 13 个串联),且需电池管理系统(BMS)监测电池芯组安全,BMS 通过电线连接各电池芯组读取电压并保持在安全范围,而此次改造将使用电子烟电池芯代替 18650 电池芯。 

3. 准备 130 个电子烟电池芯(因大的电子烟电池芯容量是小的三倍,这里采用大的,若用小的则需近 400 个)。打开大电子烟电池芯,方法是用虎钳夹住底部撕掉,取出部件,去掉绝缘胶带并拆焊电池芯。 

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!

4. 对电池芯进行测试,使用电池芯测试仪测量其容量(实际为 15 毫安时)和内阻,筛选出内阻异常高和完全没电(放电低于 3 伏)的电池芯并分组,将内阻较高的电池芯与其他类似的分组,以确保在配对使用时电池芯承担相同工作量。

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!

5. 使用 3D 打印模块固定电池芯,每个模块容纳 10 个电池芯形成并联组,模块采用弹簧片设计且可拼接。制作模块时,将电池芯插入,拉弹片到中间,焊接到铜带,正负极分别操作,共制作 13 组。 

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!

6. 将 13 组电池芯串联,通过将正极连接负极的方式堆叠起来,按照特定布局和方向连接,连接过程中在铜母线处贴上绝缘胶带以防止短路危险(短路可能导致起火爆炸)。 

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!

7. 连接电池管理系统(BMS),BMS 通过小电线连接到各个电池芯,同时配备温度探头监测电池温度,以确保电池安全运行并监测其状态。 

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!

8. 将制作好的电池组连接到电动自行车上进行测试,检查是否能正常驱动自行车。 

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!

9. 为电池组安装 3D 打印外壳,外壳上设置电源端口、充电端口、开关和电池电量指示器,电池内部放置泡沫垫吸收冲击和震动,电量指示器通过连接正负极根据电压估计电量状态。 

10. 进行实际骑行测试,记录电池续航里程和速度等数据,此次测试在助力模式下几乎未蹬踏板,电池电量用到 50%时骑行 18 公里,完全没电时共骑行 33 公里,最高速度达每小时 32 英里,预计可轻松超 50 公里续航。

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!

网友笑称,“下一步是要用电子烟电池做电动汽车吗?” UP主Chris Doel 表示是个不小的挑战。

Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!



原文始发于微信公众号(雾化科技展):Recycled e-cigarette batteries have been repurposed for use in electric bicycles, enabling them to travel over 20 miles!

电子雾化与HNB产品都是新型电子产品,结构虽小,却融合应用多种材料、表面处理、芯片电子等技术工艺,而且雾化技术一直在不断更迭,供应链在逐步完善,为了促进供应链企业间有一个良好的对接交流,艾邦搭建产业微信群交流平台,欢迎加入;Vape e-cigarettes (VAPE) and Heat-Not-Burn e-cigarettes (HNB) are both emerging electronic products. Despite their compact size, they integrate various materials, surface treatment technologies, chip electronics, and other advanced technical processes. Moreover, atomization technology is constantly evolving and the supply chain is being progressively perfected. To facilitate good communication and networking among supply chain enterprises, Aibang has established an industry WeChat group communication platform and warmly welcomes interested enterprises to join.

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