Pulmonary aerosol inhalation delivery demonstrates immense potential, with absorption rates comparable to intravenous administration. The extensive surface area of the alveoli (70-100 m²) and their thin-walled structure facilitate the rapid entry of drugs into the bloodstream. Particle size is a critical factor influencing drug deposition sites; research indicates that the optimal aerosol particle size ranges from 2 to 5 μm, allowing effective deposition in the lungs and bronchi. The hydrophilicity and lipophilicity of drugs also significantly impact absorption; moderate hydrophilicity ensures that drugs dissolve in respiratory secretions, while lipophilicity promotes passive diffusion. Common misconceptions include the use of non-aerosol formulations for nebulization, which may lead to infections. Furthermore, injectable medications such as dexamethasone and ambroxol, which are unsuitable for nebulization, may irritate the airways or contribute to the development of resistance.
FEELLIFE has elevated the performance of mesh nebulizers through its AiMesh® polymer membrane technology, enhancing fluid transmission and safety, thereby positioning itself as a leader in the aerosol equipment industry.



一、肺部雾化吸入给药潜力大 由于肺组织本身的特性,肺部吸收的速度很快,不亚于静脉注射,如异丙肾上腺素气雾剂吸入后1-2min即可起平喘作用。 

Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.
1、巨大的肺泡表面面积 肺由气管、支气管、细支气管、肺泡管和肺泡囊组成,肺泡囊的数目估计达3ー4亿,总表面积可达70-100㎡,为体表面积的25倍。 









Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.
二、雾化粒径大小与肺部沉降位置 粒径是影响肺部沉积性能的主要因素。粒径的大小显著影响了吸入颗粒在肺部沉积的位置和分布情况。 

Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.

1、 William Glover等通过放射性同位素示踪法研究发现:药物粒子在肺部的沉积量和分布情况依赖于粒径大小。


Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.


2、Omars . Usmani等通过吸入给药靶向到局部呼吸道研究发现:吸入给药后,粒径越小,药物粒子的肺部沉积量越大,达到的部位越深,沉积范围越大。


Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.


3、 Zanen、里斯等人临床效果进行了探讨三种不同粒径范围(< 1μm,2- 5μm和5 - 10μm), 如图:


Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.
 通过以上研究数据,我们发现药物要雾化进入肺部,其粒径最好在 2~5 μm。 

  • 粒径5~10 μm的微粒主要沉积于口咽部;
  • 粒径2~5 μm的微粒主要沉积于肺部及支气管且50%~60%沉积于肺泡;
  • 粒径太小(< 1μm),只能到达深肺部的边缘,会随呼吸呼出,因此没有治疗效果。
Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.
三、适度亲水亲脂性,雾化更吸收 1、要有一定的亲水性





Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.

非雾化制剂的药物无法达到雾化颗粒要求,无法通过呼吸道清除,可能在肺部沉积,从而增加肺部感染的发生率,不推荐雾化使用。 常见的静脉制剂中含防腐剂(如:酚、亚硝酸盐等),吸入后可诱发哮喘发作(非吸入型药物所含辅料对呼吸道的刺激)。 

Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.

  • 地塞米松注射液:脂溶性低、水溶性高,与气道黏膜组织结合较少;粒径大,肺内沉积率低;
  • 庆大霉素注射液:气道药物浓度过低,达不到抗感染的目的,细菌长期处于亚抑菌状态,产生耐药,同时可刺激气道上皮,加重上皮炎症反应;
  • α-糜蛋白酶注射剂:对视网膜毒性较强,雾化时接触眼睛容易造成损伤;遇血液迅速失活,不能用于咽部、肺部手术患者;有报道该药对肺组织有损伤,吸人气道内可致炎症加重并诱发哮喘;
  • 氨溴索注射液:含防腐剂,吸入后可能诱发支气管哮喘发作。


Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.


以"雾化-为人类提供第三种给药方式"为愿景,以"AiMesh ®"高分子膜片为技术核心,国内网式®雾化标准制定者之一,深圳来福士雾化医学有限公司拥有250多项雾化设备的国际发明专利和国内外医疗认证,在雾化递送设备领域处于绝对领先地位。



Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.图1:AiMesh®高分子膜片

Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.



原文始发于微信公众号(雾化科技展):Research on Medical Aerosol Inhalation and the Deposition Sites of Aerosol Particle Size.

电子雾化与HNB产品都是新型电子产品,结构虽小,却融合应用多种材料、表面处理、芯片电子等技术工艺,而且雾化技术一直在不断更迭,供应链在逐步完善,为了促进供应链企业间有一个良好的对接交流,艾邦搭建产业微信群交流平台,欢迎加入;Vape e-cigarettes (VAPE) and Heat-Not-Burn e-cigarettes (HNB) are both emerging electronic products. Despite their compact size, they integrate various materials, surface treatment technologies, chip electronics, and other advanced technical processes. Moreover, atomization technology is constantly evolving and the supply chain is being progressively perfected. To facilitate good communication and networking among supply chain enterprises, Aibang has established an industry WeChat group communication platform and warmly welcomes interested enterprises to join.

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