海外资讯l 英国/印尼/比利时等国家的电子烟征税政策最新动态
据报道,财政大臣杰里米·亨特将于 3 月 6 日宣布,作为春季预算的一部分,对电子烟征税几乎是不可避免的。部长们正在寻求效仿德国和意大利等已经对电子烟征税的欧洲国家。
目前,一瓶 10 毫升的电子烟油售价约为 4 英镑,一般电子烟爱好者一周就能用完。
- 在德国,对 10 毫升瓶装电子烟征收 1.40 英镑的电子烟税,并计划在 2026 年将这一数字翻倍至 2.80 英镑。
- 意大利于 2014 年成为第一个对电子烟液征税的国家,对 10 毫升的瓶子征收 1.10 英镑的税。
据《雅加达环球报》报道,印度尼西亚将从 2024 年 1 月 1 日起开始对电子烟征收额外税。新税将在现有消费税的基础上征收。
从 2024 年 1 月 1 日开始,比利时将对电子烟中使用的电子液体征收新税。税收将定为每毫升 15 美分。
英文原文:Obtain the latest information on e-cigarette tax policies in countries such as the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Belgium.
U.K.: Levies for Vapes to be Unveiled in March
A new tax will hit vapers in the United Kingdom despite warnings it will punish people who have switched to e-cigarettes after quitting smoking.
The plans for the levy, which will likely increase the cost of vaping liquid by at least a quarter, will be unveiled in the Budget in March.
A government source told The Mirror it was now almost inevitable that a tax on vaping will be introduced as part of the Spring Budget, which Chancellor Jeremy Hunt will announce on March 6.
Ministers are looking to copy European countries such as Germany and Italy that already have levies on vapes.
A 10ml bottle of e-liquid, which a typical vaper would get through in a week, costs around £4 at present. In Germany, a £1.40 vape tax is slapped on 10ml bottles, with plans to double this to £2.80 in 2026.
Italy, which in 2014 became the first country to tax e-cigarette fluid, charges a £1.10 levy on 10ml bottles.
Indonesia to Collect New Vape Taxes
Indonesia will start collecting additional taxes on e-cigarettes effective Jan. 1, 2024, reports The Jakarta Globe. The new tax will be on top of existing excise duties.
According to the Ministry of Finance, the decision to tax electronic cigarettes emphasizes the principle of fairness, taking into account that conventional cigarettes involve tobacco farmers and factory workers who have been paying cigarette taxes since 2014.
In 2023, Indonesia collected IDR1.75 trillion ($113.7 million) in e-cigarette taxes, which equals about 1 percent of the total revenue from tobacco excise annually.
More than 50 percent of the revenue from cigarette taxes will be directed toward public health services and law enforcement.
New Year Begins Belgium's Vaping Tax
Beginning January 1, 2024, Belgium will introduce a new tax on e-liquids used in electronic cigarettes. The tax will be set at 15 cents per milliliter.
The move has received criticism from both users and retailers who fear that it will lead to increased costs and a potential shift back to traditional tobacco cigarettes.
The spokesperson for the federal Finance Minister defended the tax, stating that it aligns with Germany's tax rate, which is also set to increase in the coming years, according to media reports.
They further clarified that the goal is not to encourage people to return to smoking combustible cigarettes but to recognize that e-cigarettes are also tobacco products and should be used as a temporary measure to quit smoking.
电子雾化与HNB产品都是新型电子产品,结构虽小,却融合应用多种材料、表面处理、芯片电子等技术工艺,而且雾化技术一直在不断更迭,供应链在逐步完善,为了促进供应链企业间有一个良好的对接交流,艾邦搭建产业微信群交流平台,欢迎加入;Vape e-cigarettes (VAPE) and Heat-Not-Burn e-cigarettes (HNB) are both emerging electronic products. Despite their compact size, they integrate various materials, surface treatment technologies, chip electronics, and other advanced technical processes. Moreover, atomization technology is constantly evolving and the supply chain is being progressively perfected. To facilitate good communication and networking among supply chain enterprises, Aibang has established an industry WeChat group communication platform and warmly welcomes interested enterprises to join.