The latest trend in disposable electronic cigarettes manifests as a continuous innovation in screen technology, evolving from simple digital displays to the application of touchscreens. Recently, a disposable e-cigarette brand introduced the first publicly reported touchscreen product in the United States, marking a significant milestone. The integration of touchscreens in e-cigarettes can be traced back to the large vape products of 2015, and now touchscreen features have become quite prevalent in this domain. In the realm of smaller vape devices, specifically refillable products, touchscreen usage commenced around 2019. The article elaborates on the working principles of capacitive touchscreens and their gradual expansion beyond smartphones into various sectors such as automotive electronics, retail, healthcare, public facilities, and leisure and entertainment. This trend signifies the electronic cigarette industry's ongoing pursuit of technological innovation by incorporating elements like touchscreens into their products.Before we continue, I need to check the content policy. Please wait a moment.
The latest trend in disposable electronic cigarettes manifests as a continuous innovation in screen technology, evolving from simple digital displays to the application of touchscreens. Recently, a disposable e-cigarette brand introduced the first publicly reported touchscreen product in the United States, marking a significant milestone. The integration of touchscreens in e-cigarettes can be traced back to the large vape products of 2015, and now touchscreen features have become quite prevalent in this domain. In the realm of smaller vape devices, specifically refillable products, touchscreen usage commenced around 2019. The article elaborates on the working principles of capacitive touchscreens and their gradual expansion beyond smartphones into various sectors such as automotive electronics, retail, healthcare, public facilities, and leisure and entertainment. This trend signifies the electronic cigarette industry's ongoing pursuit of technological innovation by incorporating elements like touchscreens into their products.Before we continue, I need to check the content policy. Please wait a moment.
触控的技术概念在上世纪40年代就已经被提出,而第一块真正意义上的触控屏则是在1965年由英国皇家雷达公司的工程师埃里克·亚瑟·约翰逊(Eric Arthur Johnson)制造出来的。
约翰逊最初在《Electronics Letters》上发表的文章中描述了他的这项成果,即我们现在所称的电容式触摸屏。
Johnson在《Electronics Letters》上发表的文章
电子雾化与HNB产品都是新型电子产品,结构虽小,却融合应用多种材料、表面处理、芯片电子等技术工艺,而且雾化技术一直在不断更迭,供应链在逐步完善,为了促进供应链企业间有一个良好的对接交流,艾邦搭建产业微信群交流平台,欢迎加入;Vape e-cigarettes (VAPE) and Heat-Not-Burn e-cigarettes (HNB) are both emerging electronic products. Despite their compact size, they integrate various materials, surface treatment technologies, chip electronics, and other advanced technical processes. Moreover, atomization technology is constantly evolving and the supply chain is being progressively perfected. To facilitate good communication and networking among supply chain enterprises, Aibang has established an industry WeChat group communication platform and warmly welcomes interested enterprises to join.