Abstract: The Inter Tabac exhibition in Germany emerges as a focal point, delving into the prospects of disposable electronic cigarettes in the European market. Several governments across nations adopt a vehement stance against disposable electronic cigarettes, citing issues such as low quality and environmental pollution, leading to calls for prohibition. The governments of the United Kingdom and France have already declared their intent, with the European Union planning to ban disposable electronic cigarettes by the end of 2026. Against this backdrop, the quest for alternatives becomes paramount. Refillable electronic cigarettes are deemed as a substitute for disposable counterparts, and the Inter Tabac exhibition serves as a platform to showcase refillable products. Chinese brand RELX and emerging brand ANYX are poised to make a presence, envisioning the development of refillable products in the European market. The exhibition holds the potential to be a catalyst for transformation in the European electronic cigarette market, with brands attracting considerable attention.
Germany's Inter Tabac develops new highlights: can reloadable e-cigarettes become the next growth pole?
"德国国际烟草和烟具贸易博览会"(Inter Tabac)是欧洲乃至世界范围内烟草.烟具行业首屈一指的专业展会。参展产品包括雪茄、卷烟、烟具、新型烟草(口含烟、电子烟、HNB等)及电子烟制造设备、烟草周边配件等。每年吸引近60个国家,数百名参展商以及数以万计的观展人员齐聚一堂,共享烟草行业的饕餮盛宴。近日,欧洲多国政府对一次性电子烟的消极态度甚嚣尘上,如何看待欧洲市场现有电子烟产品分类,并且市场格局是否会重新洗牌,成为本次展会中最值得关注的问题之一。
多国政府表态 一次性电子烟恐成为欧洲市场历史产物
- 据英国资源循环网站circularonline 9月4日消息,英国北伦敦废物管理局(NLWA)主席克莱德·卢克斯(Clyde Loakes)已致函环境大臣和环境部长,表示一次性电子烟由于其"复杂的材料构成"在回收方面存在"物流困难、劳动密集和昂贵"问题,已敦促政府禁止一次性电子烟。
- 法国总理伊丽莎白·博恩9月3日在接受RTL电台采访时表示,法国政府正计划公布解决吸烟问题的新计划,其中包括禁止使用一次性电子烟。
- 欧盟提出了到 2026 年底禁止一次性电子烟的计划。
换弹式品牌商积极布局 谁将成为行业的破局者充满期待
据悉,参加本次德国Inter Tabac换弹式品牌商并不多,值得关注的是中国头部换弹式电子烟品牌RELX将亮相该展,另外,主打棉芯的换弹式的新兴品牌ANYX也将迎来在Inter Tabac首次登场。此外,作为全球最大的换弹式陶瓷雾化芯生产商,思摩尔旗下的技术品牌FeelM也不会错过此次绝佳的曝光机会。传统电子烟品牌Geekvape也会亮相此次展会。
本次的Inter Tabac展会正恰逢欧洲各国对一次性电子烟强烈反弹的背景下隆重开展,因此,该展显得尤为重要,或许这也将成为欧洲一次性电子烟火爆市场变化的一个转捩点。不过谁能在突出重围,成为第一个打破一次性电子烟的疯狂出货乱象的"终结者",所有换弹式品牌都应该值得行业的关注。
电子雾化与HNB产品都是新型电子产品,结构虽小,却融合应用多种材料、表面处理、芯片电子等技术工艺,而且雾化技术一直在不断更迭,供应链在逐步完善,为了促进供应链企业间有一个良好的对接交流,艾邦搭建产业微信群交流平台,欢迎加入;Vape e-cigarettes (VAPE) and Heat-Not-Burn e-cigarettes (HNB) are both emerging electronic products. Despite their compact size, they integrate various materials, surface treatment technologies, chip electronics, and other advanced technical processes. Moreover, atomization technology is constantly evolving and the supply chain is being progressively perfected. To facilitate good communication and networking among supply chain enterprises, Aibang has established an industry WeChat group communication platform and warmly welcomes interested enterprises to join.