February 27, according to mgronline**—Minister to the Prime Minister's Office, Jiraporn Sinthuprai, chaired a meeting to discuss enforcement measures for controlling e-cigarettes. The discussion outcomes were divided into three parts:

Part 1: Immediate Actions
1. Strict Crackdown on E-Cigarette Imports**
- The focus will be on curbing the import of e-cigarettes, especially in border areas.
- Customs will be the primary agency responsible for enforcing stricter measures.
- Any smuggling cases will not be suspended and will be forwarded to the Central Investigation Bureau for prosecution. The Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLO) will also seize or freeze assets to deter repeat offenses by importers.

2. Domestic Distribution Crackdown**
- Authorities will intensify efforts to target domestic distributors, including both physical stores and online platforms.
- Collaboration with the Royal Thai Police, the Office of the Consumer Protection Board (OCPB), and the Ministry of Interior will be strengthened.
- Public participation will be encouraged to report illegal activities to relevant agencies.
- A platform will be established to display e-cigarette sales data across regions, allowing the public to monitor enforcement efforts within a month.

3. Online Sales Monitoring**
- Due to the increased accessibility of e-cigarettes among youth, TikTok has been requested to cooperate in strict monitoring.
- Joint discussions with platform operators and logistics providers will be held to find effective ways to block online sales.

Part 2: Public Awareness Campaigns
- Raising Awareness of E-Cigarette Hazards**
- Public awareness campaigns will focus on educating the public, especially in school environments, about the dangers of e-cigarettes.
- The Ministry of Education will lead the efforts, collaborating with the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS), the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), the Public Relations Department, and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC).
- The campaigns will target students, teachers, and parents.

Part 3: Legal Review and Long-Term Measures
- Strengthening Penalties and Enforcement Efficiency**
- A review of relevant laws will be conducted to enhance penalties and improve enforcement efficiency.
- The government will consider amending laws to impose stricter punishments and make police efforts more effective in combating e-cigarette-related crimes.
- This process will require time to implement.

When asked about potential involvement of officials, such as cases where e-cigarette shops close and flee before enforcement actions, Ms. Jiraporn stated that if smuggling is discovered and officials are found complicit, disciplinary actions will be taken against them. The National Police Chief confirmed that immediate punitive measures are ready to be enforced.

Next Steps
Jiraporn Sinthuprai announced that the Thai government will launch a comprehensive crackdown on e-cigarettes starting immediately, with an evaluation of results within 30 days. Relevant agencies will return with detailed plans and reconvene in a week to report progress and long-term measures to the Prime Minister.

Source: mgronline

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作者 xie, yao
