The Ministry of Health reports that currently, one in five Poles is a habitual smoker. President Andrzej Duda has signed an excise tax law that will lead to draconian increases in cigarette prices.
Smokers will have to prepare for significant price hikes for tobacco products. The amendment to the excise tax law, which has just been signed by President Andrzej Duda, introduces gradual increases from 2025 to 2027. The first changes will come into effect at the beginning of next year. Prices of tobacco products after the increase
According to the new regulations, starting in January 2025, the excise tax on tobacco products will increase by 25 percent. In practice, this means that the price of a pack of cigarettes will reach at least 20 zlotys. However, this is just the beginning of the changes – further increases are planned in the following years. The Ministry of Finance forecasts that in 2026, a pack of cigarettes will cost about 23.85 zlotys.
Jarosław Neneman, the Deputy Minister of Finance, presented detailed price forecasts. According to his statement during the committee meeting, by 2027, the price of a pack of cigarettes could reach 26-27 zlotys. This represents a significant increase compared to current prices, which hover around 17-18 zlotys.
The new regulations introduce precise excise tax rates for various tobacco products. Producers will pay 476.10 zlotys plus 32.05 percent of the maximum retail price for 1,000 cigarettes. A higher rate is set for cigarettes without excise stamps – 789.77 zlotys for 1,000 cigarettes.
Changes will also affect other tobacco products. The excise tax on smoking tobacco will be 412.58 zlotys per kilogram plus 32.05 percent of the retail price. Cigars and cigarillos will be subject to a rate of 903.90 zlotys per kilogram. Users of e-cigarettes will pay 1.80 zlotys in excise tax for each milliliter of liquid.
The government anticipates that the increases in excise tax will generate an additional 3.5 billion zlotys in revenue for the budget each year.
Prices in Poland are among the lowest in the EU
Despite the planned increases, cigarette prices in Poland remain among the lowest in the European Union. Currently, the average price of a pack in Poland is 3.15 euros, while in Ireland it exceeds 14 euros. Only in Bulgaria are cigarettes cheaper than in Poland.
However, industry experts point to the potential risk of an increase in the black market. Currently, illegal trade in tobacco products accounts for 3.6 percent of official sales, but significant price hikes could increase this percentage.
Smoking contributes to 60,000 deaths annually in Poland.
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