E-cigarettes were officially recognized as smoking cessation tools by the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
近来,电子烟就被英国国家健康护理卓越研究所 (NICE) 正式认可为戒烟工具,并被纳入其新发布的烟草指南。
Some time ago, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) published updated guidance that paves the way for medicinally licensed e-cigarette products to be prescribed for tobacco smokers who want to stop smoking and switch to vaping instead.
Recently, e-cigarettes were officially recognized as smoking cessation tools by the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and included in their newly released tobacco guidelines.

如今,英国和瑞典的吸烟率已经低的可以称之为无烟社会。除此之外,在挪威允许售卖电子烟后,其香烟吸烟率10年内下降了50%, 冰岛更是三年内下降了40%左右。



In recent years, the UK has strongly advocated e-cigarette use and updated much policy support for it. The reason why the UK welcomes its people to use e-cigarettes is explained by the good results of research and political implementation.
And now, Sweden’s rates of tobacco-related illness and death are by far the lowest that you can see in the European Union. The smoking rates of Sweden and the UK are now low enough that many people would call it a smoke-free society.
When Norway allowed snus products to be more widely available, cigarette smoking fell by half in just 10 years. When Iceland allowed both vaping products and snus into the market, smoking fell by about 40 percent in just three years.
E-cigarettes were officially recognized as smoking cessation tools by the NICE, mainly because of the foreseeable future of e-cigarettes' ability to create smoke-free environments and reduce tobacco-related illness and mortality.
Even if just regard it as an alternative, there is also a significant impact on the world. Reducing tobacco harm is the way to go.
Compared to other countries that have banned the behavior of e-cigarettes (in addition to the issue of religious beliefs), the UK accelerates its paces instead, which can not be separated from its sound and harsh institutional policies and penalties and its people's extensive support of e-cigarettes. That makes its plans smooth and orderly.
“We are delighted to see that vaping products have been included in the NICE tobacco guidelines,” said the Chief Executive at Yorkshire Cancer Research.
“The Charity’s goal is for 2,000 more people in Yorkshire to survive cancer every year. With more than 4,500 new cases of cancer linked to smoking in the region each year, helping people to stop smoking cigarettes is vital to achieving this goal.”
World Vapers Association (WVA) Director Michael Landl, said that the UK has been a leader in endorsing the use of safer alternatives to reduce tobacco harm, and local smoking rates are reflecting this.
“Once more the UK is setting an example for the world on how to effectively and pragmatically help smokers to quit. The UK authorities are following the evidence and supporting a tool that actually works. They are supporting smokers to switch to vaping.”
For most people in the world, the UK's behavior seems sloppy. In fact, it instead will make e-cigarettes more strictly regulated in the UK than anywhere else, not limited to these aspects of materials, e-liquid, substances, etc., which will set their e-cigarette products to a safer level.
In the long run, the smoke-free awareness & environment and national health issues of the UK could be substantially improved.
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原文始发于微信公众号(HQD TECH):电子烟已被英国NICE正式认可为戒烟工具
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